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  • What is hypnosis and what is the difference between hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy?
    There is nothing mystical or esoteric about hypnosis, it is a natural state which we go into many times during the day - for example, have you ever driven from A to B and wondered how you got there? Whilst driving our thoughts can wander and even though we may become lost in those thoughts we still manage the control of the car, snapping to attention when we need to, e.g. if the car infront of you suddently breaks. Other states of natural hypnosis are when you read a good book or watch an enticing film, you become absorbed and are unaware of distratction around you. Many people believe that hypnosis and hypnotherapy are the same thing but there is an important distinction to be made. Hypnosis refers to a clinician or the client (self hypnosis) inducing a deep, pleasant state of relaxation ..... Hypnotherapy is the psychological therapy process that utilizes the "state of hypnosis " to acheive a desired outcome and as such should only be administered by a clinically trained practitioner who can provide an indepth inquiry and consultation prior to the practical element part of the session commences. Hypnotherapy has been clinically proven to be a valuable adjunct to the treatmnt of various medical conditions e.g. irritiable bowel syndrome, pain relief, surgery preparation and dental anxiety to name a few. DISCLAIMER.... Clinical hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment.
  • How does hypnotherapy work?
    It works by relaxing the conscious mind and opens the unconscious mind where suggestions to promote positive change, to create behavioural shifts which will empower you to move forward in your life. It is a completely natural pathway from the conscous mind to the unconscious mind.
  • Can I be hypnotised against my will?
    No! Sadly, "stage" hypnosis and hypnosis for entertainment has done the profession of clinical hypnotherapy a great injustice - that of manipulating people into doing things they do not want to do. This is as far away from the truth as one can get. You are in control at all times and no-one can make you do anything against your will.
  • What is the role of the clinician?
    Once a thorough case history has been taken and realistic goals agreed, the role of the clinician is to then direct you into a deep state of relaxation and into the hypnotic state which then allows access to the unconscious mind. Then follows the therapy part where there is dialalogue with the unconsious mind. Suggestions of change for new types of behaviour or thinking that are accepted and agreed upon become embedded in the unconscious mind.
  • Can everyone be hypnotised and will it work?
    Most people can be hypnotised but the client has always to be a willing participant in the process and is attending clinic because they want to be there. For the therapy to be most effective the client must be an active part both during the sessions and the time in between.
  • What to expect from your first session?
    - A detailed case history will be taken and a discussion of desired goals and a founation on which to build on will be agreed and developed. - An explanation of what clinical hypnosis is and is not. - You will be taught self-hypnosis - an important part of self-efficacy for ongoing change. - The therapy: the length of the hypnotherapy content on the first session is dependant on the presenting issue.
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